4 Spring Rituals to Elevate your Daily Life

Spring is a time for growth, grounding, ease, and enjoyment. These four rituals will help you tune into the energy of the season and elevate your everyday routines.

Spring Rituals to Elevate your Everyday

01. Begin a daily intuition practice. 

Cultivate a deeper connection with your inner voice this season. Here are a few ways to incorporate this ritual into your everyday:

  • Journal with your inner voice when you wake up in the morning.

  • Listen to your intuition when your coffee is brewing.

  • Pause in the afternoon for a mini meditation. Exhale, exhale, exhale and listen to what your inner voice has to say.

  • Check in with your inner voice before you open up your email.

  • As part of your evening routine, bring your awareness to your inner voice and listen there.

This practice will build and grow with time. You’ll strengthen your connection and provide your mind with everyday evidence that you can trust yourself and your inner voice. And as you do, life will unfold in even more supportive and magical ways!

02. Manifest ease in the everyday.

Think about what manifesting ease means to you. Call in the energy of ease. Invite in delightful surprises and moments of serendipity. Here are some examples to explore:

  • Manifesting parking spaces that make errands easier.

  • Manifesting invitations to new opportunities.

  • Manifesting a relaxing dinner with friends.

  • Manifesting help from strangers that make your life easier.

  • Manifesting spaciousness on your calendar or work schedule.

Remember, you don’t have to strive or effort hard to manifest ease. Open your grip and allow your manifestations in. Celebrate when ease comes your way and let this ritual elevate you!

Spring Equinox Mini Course

A ritual to welcome spring

Guided meditation, intention setting, and oracle card reading. Join live on 3/20 at 7pm CDT or purchase to enjoy the replay.

03. Find joy in self-mothering.

Self-mothering is what it sounds like, giving yourself the motherly love and support we all deserve. It’s less about what happened in the past and more about the care you give yourself in the present moment. Lean into what feels good, magical, and luxurious this spring.

Ask your inner voice, “How can I give myself delight and joy this season?” Here are some ideas:

  • Get yourself flowers next time you buy groceries.

  • Go to bed early or take a nap. Find ways to make sleeping more joyful and nourishing.

  • Lighting a candle every day when it's time to wash the dishes.

  • Look yourself in the mirror and smile at yourself. Pour joy and love into your heart the way you would to a child, because you need that you deserve it as much as anybody else.

04. Spring clean your online life.

We pick up our phones countless times each day. This spring season, get grounded in your experience online and cultivate digital rituals that elevate you.

  • Update your profile pic.

  • Delete apps that don’t bring you joy.

  • Clear out photos.

  • Archive emails.

  • Clean up files.

  • Create intentional boundaries.

  • Message your bestie.

  • Text your aunt.

  • Write a nice email.

  • Rate and review your favorite podcast.

Make any of these feel like a ritual by playing music, lighting incense, and taking a few cleansing breaths before and after you do them. You could do 1,000 things to spring clean your online life, so give yourself permission to keep it small and make it feel like an act of service and joy for yourself.

21 Days to Intuition

Change your life in 21 days

21 Days to Intuition is a free course that will help you find more alignment and ease in 3 weeks. Join for daily prompts and simple practices to help you listen to your intuition.

Listen to the Celebrate Cultivate Podcast

episode Transcript

Hello, welcome to episode 140. Spring begins in just a few days on Monday, March 20, here in the northern has here in the northern hemisphere with the spring equinox. Spring is a season of arrival, after waiting through the winter for sunshine and warmth spring steps in and shows promise of what's to come. Spring is a time for growth, grounding, ease and enjoyment. I don't know about you, but oftentimes, I feel this just innate sense of excitement when spring turns the corner and shows its presence. And here where I live in Austin, Texas, it's already quite warm and quite spring like so it almost requires effort to remember that we're still in winter, as the seasons start to change here. But, you know, once spring is fully here, it's just like the biggest gift all of the plants are in bloom. And of course, we have allergies to contend with. But there is just so much joy and beauty in nature, when spring comes. And of course, if you live somewhere where that isn't the case, and there's still winter, then you can have the practice of tuning into the energies of spring while you're waiting for nature, to do what she needs to do to come into bloom.

So I want to start this episode with a few community updates. And then we're going to go into the spring rituals to elevate your daily life. So first, as we are transitioning from one season to another, it is a wonderful time to support yourself, to change your routines to look within at your feelings and your inner world. And then look out into your calendar and your everyday life and find ways to connect inward to support yourself to listen to your intuition to live in alignment and flow. And we have in this community for really lovely magical, so juicy and delightful ways for you to support yourself.

The first one is 21 Days to Intuition. That's a free course that I offer with prompts to help you hear your inner wisdom on the daily. And we are actually doing 21 Days to Intuition as a community over on Instagram right now, if you're listening to this when it comes out, we are a week into the experience. And it has been so fun to connect with those of you who have been in this world for a while and listening to your intuition and listening to me for a long time. And then there's also been so many new faces and new folks joining in the experience. And the thing that I love about 21 Days to Intuition is so often I talk with long term clients, people who have gone through IVFT certification, which is the coaching certification I went through. And a lot of us feel like we have a good connection to intuition for big moments or in a facilitated session with a coach, but not so much on a daily basis. And that's why I created 21 Days to Intuition. It is a beautiful introduction to intuition for those who are just beginning in this journey. And it is such a useful grounding practice for those who have a strong connection. But don't turn to intuition every day. And as you go through the prompts and do this life changing practice of intuition, what you come to find is that life is the prompt. There are so many opportunities in our day to day where we can access our intuition and get guidance from there and not live from the mind. But it is a practice and it takes some attention and intention to get there. So if you're listening to this like six months or six years from now, and you're curious about 21 Days to Intuition, come over to kaileenelise.com and sign up. Join us wherever you are, whenever you are, if you feel that call, and if you're listening to this live and you're like, oh my gosh, I'm a week late, no, you're not just come and join us where we are, or start on your day one, all is fine. There's no way to get behind. This is all about just cultivating that practice in a way that works for you.

Next, we have a brand new Spring Equinox Mini Course, I'm really excited to offer this to you, it's an opportunity for you to step into spring with fresh energy, we're gonna gather on March 20, at 7pm Central time, for a guided meditation, intention setting and an Oracle Card Reading, there will also be time for us to talk together as a community and connect. And of course, if you can't make that call live, there is a replay available. So it's $22, you can sign up for the Spring Equinox Mini Course at kaileenelise.com. And celebrate this new season in a way that feels good and connected to your inner wisdom.

So third, we have The Season Sessions my year long membership. When you join, you get a year of coaching community intuition and inspiration. And we are currently enrolling for the spring season. So now is a perfect time to join. If you've been thinking about it or looking into it, if you're brand new to this work, The Season Sessions came out of me doing one on one sessions with clients and seeing how one session is transformative. It is beautiful, it is magical, it does get you access to your intuition. But the ongoing practice of connecting within is really where the shifts occur. Because if you think about anything in life, like if you go to one yoga class, it feels amazing, it feels good. But if you go to yoga on a regular basis, and for many busy moms entrepreneurs, it isn't like you have to go every day, even if you go once a week or once a month, it makes such a huge difference. And I've learned this in my life, as I've grown and gotten older, that things are so more cumulative than you expect them to be on a seasonal basis. So if you just do one session once a season, so four sessions in a year, which is what you get when you join The Season Sessions, it has a profound impact on your spirits, on your energy on everything in your life. And it's really, it's amazing how it's an hour, once a season. So the people who have gone through the season session, some of them have joined for a second year because it was such an incredible experience for them. But ultimately, they come through that year, feeling so much more grounded in their intuition with practices and rituals to access that inner wisdom on a daily basis on a monthly basis on a seasonal basis. So check that out. If you feel called it is a $1,111 to join. But let me let you in on a little secret. If you do 21 Days to Intuition that's free. There is a coupon code when you complete it for The Season Sessions, as well as for the Gift of Intuition.

So the Gift of Intuition is a way for you to access the answers within in a 60 minute session. And this is a blend of guided meditation, emotional release and intuitive inquiry. It's perfect for new and returning clients. And it's just one single session. So you can try the Gift of Intuition. And then let that lead into The Season Sessions if you just love it so much and want to continue to work with me. And again, if you start with 21 Days to Intuition, then you get that secret discount code that will help you kind of lead yourself into these other opportunities.

Okay, are you ready? We're gonna get into the spring rituals to elevate your daily life. And there's four that's what I'm offering today. And with these four may they support and serve you in whatever way feels good. Even if one of them doesn't resonate, my hope is that they will inspire you to explore your daily rituals, your daily rhythms and routines and give you an opportunity to just examine how you want to move forward into spring. If there's any shifts or changes that you want to make now is a beautiful time to do that. And so these spring rituals can really help you elevate your daily life and help you expand into this new season in alignment and flow.

So number one is to begin a daily intuition practice. Of course, of course, of course, of course. So beginning a daily intuition practice could be starting with 21 Days to Intuition. It could also be morning journaling with your inner voice, it could be an afternoon meditation, where you exhale, exhale, exhale, and listen to what your inner voice has to say. It could be an evening connection, where before bed, you lay down and as you fall asleep, you bring your inner awareness to your inner voice and listen there. So there's a lot of different ways to cultivate a daily intuition practice, I do find that having some sort of prompt or guidance is really helpful when you're first getting started. So the 21 Days to Intuition has prompts built in for you. So great, try that if you if it resonates if you want to. But the morning time is a prompt in itself. So you could say that you are going to listen to your intuition when your coffee is brewing, or you're going to check in with your inner voice before you open up your email. Right. So there's different times of the day that you could earmark as those times that you're going to check in with your intuition. And as you do this, it's going to build on itself, you're going to strengthen that connection, not strengthen your inner voice, right, we talked about that in last week's episode, you do not need to strengthen your intuition. It's the connection that you want to strengthen. And it's really just providing evidence to the mind that when you go to your intuition, for wisdom, for advice for everyday decisions, that you can trust yourself, you can trust what you receive, and that life will unfold in even more supportive and magical ways when you do.

So an example of this from the 21 Days to Intuition live group that's doing it right now is that on day one, the prompt was just to exhale, exhale, exhale, listen to your intuition. Ask what do I need, and one of the participants heard water, so she drank a bunch of water. Another one heard grandma. So she hopped in the car and went and visited her grandma. And when she got there, her grandma said that she had been feeling really lonely. And so she was so thankful for that visit. When I heard it, I heard rest. And so I left my phone downstairs on my desk and came upstairs and set a timer on Alexa for 20 minutes, and just read a little bit of my book and lay down and took a few deep breaths, and it was so restorative. So as you you do this daily intuition practice, you're gonna see that you can trust yourself and you can access wisdom. That's not in your mind. And one of the things that as we've been exploring this as a group that has come to me is that when we are thinking it is an active effort process, right? Like, if you have to think hard is a phrase because it can be really hard to think. But when you are listening to your intuition, it is much more about allowing it is a more passive activity, it is the absence of effort. And in so much of life right now we are like hustling and even if you don't live with hustle, okay, I personally don't live with a lot of hustle, I don't think and I but I have three kids and I have a business and I have a partner and I have friends and I like to go work out and so there's all these other things that I'm doing that are do take some effort. So when I can remove effort, it feels so good and listening to intuition is that so a spring ritual to elevate your daily life is absolutely starting a daily intuition practice.

Number two is manifesting ease in the every day. So how do you manifest ease? Well, you connect with your intuition. You call in ease, you examine what would feel how what is the feeling of ease for you? What does that even mean? For me? That is the absence of effort, right? So when things feel easy when I am at ease, I can breathe deep. I have space between meetings and things I have a clean home, right? Or if it my home isn't clean, I still feel really calm and easy about it. So think about whatever you want to what what manifesting ease means to you call in that energy, and invite in surprise invite in serendipity, this might mean manifesting parking spaces, or invitations to new opportunities or to a nice, fun dinner with friends. It could be manifesting help from strangers that make your life easier help you find more ease, it could be something getting canceled and taken off of your schedule. So open your grip, right you don't have to strive or effort hard to manifest ease. Celebrate, when you do call it in when ease does come your way, celebrate them recognize and say thank you and jump up and down and say oh my goodness, look at that I have manifested ease in my everyday life. And let that practice that ritual of manifesting ease in the everyday elevate you.

Number three is to find joy in self mothering. If you aren't familiar with that term, self mothering is a lot like what it sounds like it is giving yourself the motherly love and support that we all deserve. But some of us don't get from our mothers for one reason or another. And the reason really isn't the point, it really doesn't matter. When you're in the practice of self mothering, not that it doesn't matter. But it's not the whole thing. Don't get wrapped up in that story right now. Just focus on the art, the act, the practice of giving yourself, love and care in the present moment. Self mothering is a lot less about what's happened in the past. And more about the moment now what do you need? Now? How can you support and love yourself now? And in this case, with this spring ritual, how can you give yourself delight and enjoyment and joy this spring season? Mother's Day is in May. So I always equate to Mother's Day and spring together and mother's day can be a holiday for some of us, right? I've shared in the past about my relationship with my own mother and how I haven't seen or spoken to her in 10 years because of the choices I've decided to make for me. And I am a mother now of three children. And so Mother's Day has this tricky kind of feeling to it. And in one respect, I really love being celebrated and appreciated. In another respect, it seems like Mother's Day has a lot of things on my to do list to figure out what to do and flowers to buy for all of the women and mothers in our lives and cards to send and all of these things that you know fall on a mother shoulders oftentimes, maybe not in your home. But it's that's a pretty common experience, I think. And so all of that being said, allowing whatever it is to be, but really leaning into what feels good, magical, luxurious, loving this season, as you practice self mothering. So this isn't like a super specific ritual, you have to interpret it for yourself and put it into action in a way that feels amazing for you. A few examples of finding joy and self mothering could be giving yourself a gift that you wish someone else would get you. I have a purse in mind. For myself that I have been just feeling maybe it's maybe I'm manifesting that, at some point, it's going to just magically appear for me. But you know, think about how you could surprise and delight yourself the way that you would hope a mother might do that. You buy yourself flowers, you could give yourself a nap. You could really cultivate a practice of sleep and joy making sleeping more joyful. Or maybe it's some other their area of wellness or happiness or mental health, that you want to make less work and find more joy in it. And then to pair a ritual with that, it could be as simple as lighting a candle every day, when it's time to wash the dishes, as opposed to just doing the dishes, lighting a candle first and letting yourself feel the joy of that really amazing candle. So this can be a grand gesture, or a tiny ritual. Again, these are, we're talking about spring rituals to elevate your everyday life. So if you're looking at how you can self mother with joy, how can you bring a little bit more joy to your daily life, it could be that you look yourself in the mirror, and you just smile at yourself, and you pour some joy and love into your heart the way that you would to a child, because you need that you deserve it as much as anybody else.

Number four, we're taking kind of a pivot, but I promise you, it could be worth it to spring clean your online digital life. So spring cleaning is like a huge thing, right? And what do we all do? Every day, we pick up our phones, right? Like you're listening to this on a phone right now, aren't you. So spring cleaning your online life can really elevate your daily life. And the way to make it into a ritual is to give a bit of of ceremony and connection to yourself to it as you go through this process. So to find a way, this is my invitation to you to find a way to get grounded in your experience with your digital life. And it could be a tiny sliver. So you could make the decision to elevate your everyday experience on Instagram, for example. And how could you do that? Well, you could update your profile pic, you could follow new accounts that inspire you, you could unfollow or mute accounts that are dragging your vibe down, you could set some supportive boundaries for yourself. And then really give yourself permission to post what sparks joy, what feels good, you could clean out your highlights, I mean, there's a billion things that you could do. But really, again, to try to use your intuition to help guide this ritual and this practice of spring cleaning your digital life, it could be clearing out old photos. So that's something I always love to do. And a way to make it a ritual is to give it a time like I'm going to do this for the next 22 minutes. You play some music, do whatever you need to do to kind of make it that elevated experience. You could archive emails and unsubscribe to email lists that again, are not sparking joy, you could clean up your computer files. I mean, I know this is maybe dorky and nerdy, but gosh, does that give me joy when I really let myself prioritize the cleanliness and vibes of my computer. It just it feels so good. And we get, you know, inundated with all of these things to do. So I really want to encourage you to let it feel good. Do it to that point of like, okay, I feel done. And don't force yourself to keep going like stop when you feel done. You could also use your digital powers and digital time for good. So you could make sure that you're texting your best friend, or you're calling your favorite aunt or you're writing your sibling an email to say that you love them and you're thinking about them. You could do 1000 things to spring clean your online life. So keep it small and make it feel like a ritual like an act of service and joy for yourself.

All right, if you give any of these rituals or all of these rituals a try this season, please let me know. I'm at @kaileenelise on Instagram and you can find all of the links and things that I mentioned in the show notes for today's episode that's going to be at kaileenelise.com.

If you want to step into spring with fresh energy, reminder to sign up for that Spring Equinox Mini Course. It's $22 it's a gift you can give yourself to just find a little bit more space In connection within as we step into spring, I cannot wait to connect with you all in that call. And of course, again the replay will be available for those of you who can't join us live on March 20 at 7pm Central that's it.

My friend, here is what I want you to know. You are doing so well. You are guided on the path to your desires. Stay curious, watch for magic. Keep listening to intuition. Play with trusting the beautiful wisdom you receive. And when you act, let inspiration flow through you even in the smallest way.

Keep Reading for More Inspiration

About Kaileen Elise

Kaileen is an Intuition Coach, founder of Celebrate Cultivate, and mom of three.

She helps her clients cut through the noise in everyday life and get back in touch with their truest selves. She found her way into this work after the birth of her second child when she realized her inner voice held answers she couldn’t find elsewhere.

Kaileen Elise Sues

Kaileen Elise Sues is an intuition coach helping high-achieving, woo-leaning women find inner peace through every season.


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