Tap Into Your Intuition with Tarot Card Decks and Oracle Card Decks

Expand Your Intuition with Tarot and Oracle Cards

Tarot, oracle, and affirmation cards are powerful resources for deepening your voice of intuition. Pulling cards can help you get clarity on the bigger questions while also helping you find alignment in daily life.

Keep reading to learn more about these decks, how to choose the best ones for you, rituals to expand your intuition, and a 3-card tarot spread for connecting to your inner voice.

What Are Oracle Cards? What Are Tarot Cards?

Tarot cards, oracle cards, and affirmation cards are powerful tools for self-reflection and spiritual connection. Pulling cards can be a mystical experience that helps you tap into your intuition and the divine or you can do it just for fun!

Oracle card decks come in a range of themes with any number of cards. Many decks include a guidebook with information on the card meanings and how to apply them to your life.

Affirmation card decks are are often based on a topic like love, manifesting, or creativity. They might have a guidebook, though it’s less common because the affirmations can stand alone.

Tarot card decks all have the same cards, but with different themes, illustrations, and interpretations in the guidebooks that come with them. Tarot expert Biddy Tarot explains, “The Tarot is a deck of 78 cards, each with its own imagery, symbolism and story. The 22 Major Arcana cards represent life's karmic and spiritual lessons, and the 56 Minor Arcana cards reflect the trials and tribulations that we experience on a daily basis.”

Have you ever heard that tarot cards are supposed to be a gift? I thought this too! But no, you don’t have to wait for someone to buy you a deck. They make great gifts, even better than a book TBH! For more on tarot, listen to this episode of That’s Pretty Woo.

Here’s a tip for when a card you pulled doesn’t make sense. You can always ask for more information. Pull a clarification card for more context and insight. This applies to all cards.

Are Oracle Decks the Same as Tarot Cards?

No. While you might want to include both oracle cards and tarot cards in your daily intuition rituals, they are not the same thing. Each deck offers different vibes and information, which is one reason to have more than one deck if you enjoy the practice of pulling cards.

Step inside for deep intuition, kindred connections, and gentle support.

Inside our community, we talk about everything from boundaries and bosses, to crystals, Human Design, and manifesting. No topic is too basic or too woo woo.

How to Choose the Right Deck for You

Follow your inner voice of intuition when selecting a new oracle deck or tarot deck. There are no rules for what kind of deck you should have or how many you should own.

Pay attention to what you feel inspired by and do what feels good. If you’re shopping online, look at pictures and read the descriptions. If you’re shopping in person, pick the deck up and hold it in your hands. Tap into your inner wisdom and choose the decks you feel called to.

16 of the Best Oracle Card and Tarot Decks

7 Rituals to Awaken Your Intuition with Tarot and Oracle Cards

Pulling cards from tarot card decks and oracle card decks is a tangible way to connect with your inner voice of intuition. Begin your rituals from a centered place. Take a few deep breaths and invite wisdom in. Keep your expectations open. Approach the cards with curiosity. Sometimes pulling cards feels serious, but there’s also a lot of opportunity for levity and joy.

These simple rituals will help you tap into your intuition —

  1. Choose a card deck and pull from it every morning as you begin your day.

  2. Do an “anytime pull” whenever you want to change the energy or tune into intuition.

  3. Pull a card to hold onto for one week at a time. Place it somewhere you’ll see often.

  4. Make time to do a 3-card spread for the month or moon cycle.

  5. Pull a year ahead spread to honor a new year, a birthday, or another kind of fresh start.

  6. Release and recycle cards that “never” resonate. (Not recommended with tarot.)

  7. Include oracle and affirmation cards in notes and gifts or use them as bookmarks.

Free Guide for Your Voice of Intuition

Strengthen your intuition in three weeks.

In this FREE course, you will learn how to trust your intuition. Find alignment and ease in the everyday. Live the life you desire.

Sign up now to receive daily prompts + simple practices. Your intuition awaits!

3-Card Tarot Spread for Your Inner Voice

Grab one of your favorite decks, follow the steps below, and listen to your intuition along the way.

  1. Wisdom from your mind.

  2. Wisdom from your inner voice.

  3. Wisdom from your guides.

  • Flip the cards over one by one. Reflect on how each card applies to you.

  • After you feel complete, close the card pull with a moment of gratitude.

Listen to the Celebrate Cultivate Podcast

In this episode, I answer your questions about tarot card decks and oracle card decks. I also intuitively pull cards for our community and share a 3-card tarot spread for you to try at home.

Listen to this episode on Apple Podcasts, on Spotify, or here by pressing play above.

3-Card Tarot Spread for Connecting to Your Inner Voice with The Fountain Tarot Deck → kaileenelise.com

About Kaileen Elise

Kaileen is an Intuition Coach, founder of Celebrate Cultivate, and mom of three.

She helps her clients cut through the noise in everyday life and get back in touch with their truest selves. She found her way into this work after the birth of her second child when she realized her inner voice held answers she couldn’t find elsewhere.


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