What I Learned During My Inner Voice Session

Do you want to tap into your intuition, inner voice, and wisdom within? Listen to this episode for clips from my Inner Voice Session with Nicole Perkins from Metaphysical Me. If you’re curious about this work and want to know what a session is like, press play.

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Hello friends! This episode is the second part of my 2-episode series on the inner voice. If you haven’t listened to last week’s episode, I shared what your inner voice is, how to access it, and how to know if you can trust it. I also answer a few questions from our community on the topic.

Today I’m sharing thoughts and reflections on my recent inner voice session. I’m including audio clips… listen for a peek inside my innermost thoughts and what my inner voice has to say. This is my most revealing episode to date!

What is an Inner Voice Facilitator?

Jess Lively is the creator of Inner Voice Facilitator Training, which is a course for coaches (and others) who want to walk clients through these inner voice sessions. Nicole Perkins completed the course earlier this year and I started following her Instagram @metaphysicalme_ shortly after.

Nicole has shared some pretty woo stuff from other client sessions… And I love it! Here are a few of my favorites:


Update 12/29/20 —

I am now a certified Inner Voice Facilitator through Jess Lively! Want to book an intuition coaching session with me? Click here.


How Do You Trust Your Inner Voice?

One of the things I love and appreciate about inner voice work is that it truly comes from within. There is absolutely a place for finding outside inspiration, but also… this is your life. Your soul. Your journey. It’s very empowering to know so much support and wisdom can come from within. If it feels good, calm, and trustworthy, that is a big clue as to whether or not you can trust it.

Preparing for My Inner Voice Session

Before the session, Nicole asked me for 3 questions or areas that I wanted to focus on. I sent over 3 ideas along with a curious, “I’m wondering if you have any favorite questions or ones that you wish someone would ask? I’m open.”

The session was audio-only, which was really nice. I got comfortable and cozy in my closet before calling in. Nicole gave me a quick introduction and dove right into her questions. This allowed me to really focus on not being “Kaileen” and instead allow my inner voice to shine through.

On Which Path to Take and Failure

The first clip I share is from the beginning of our session. You can hear how encouraging and supportive Nicole is… but also she asks really great questions!

Listen to the episode for a story about when I spoke with a psychic medium last year and this inner voice session brought that experience into a whole new light.

My inner voice shared that multiple paths (and choices) can lead in the same direction, which takes so much pressure off! I also really appreciate knowing that failure is a rebirth… and that growing and beginning are constant. Of course, I know these things intellectually, but I feel these truths in a new soul-way after this session.

On Effort vs. Flow

In the second clip, Nicole asks my inner voice about effort vs. flow, which I know is a topic so many of us are curious about. Listen as Nicole asks follow-up questions that guide the conversation to practical, actionable advice.

I love how my inner voice suggests that I take things off my to-do list when my natural “mind” inclination is to add things that I’ve already done. Can you relate? By not focusing so much on things that happen cyclically and trusting they will get done, I’ve freed up space in my calendar and in my mind.

Do you want to tap into your intuition, inner voice, and wisdom within? Listen to this episode for clips from my Inner Voice Session with Nicole Perkins from Metaphysical Me . If you’re curious about this work and want to know what a session is like…

On Motherhood, Career, and Our True Essence

Up next, Nicole asks about my experience as a working mom. She also asks about the true essence of what we are… which is a pretty stunning question. This is one of the things I love about this work. The boldness to ask such questions and actually get a response. If we were just talking I doubt I’d have responded with any real confidence or knowing.

Some background on me and motherhood: my lifelong dream was to be a stay at home mom. But at the beginning of 2019 (with two tiny babes at home), I had a deep realization that I wanted to work, create, and exist in my identity beyond motherhood. Nicole’s questions and my inner voice’s responses released a lot of tension and confusion I had around this topic. The visual I was seeing was a braid and my inner voice talked about how motherhood and career are braided together for me. If you’ve heard Jess Lively talk about “emotional beanbag” releases, this seemed like one to me. 

One of my favorite takeaways from this part of the session is on ignoring more. I used to think ignoring things was a sign of weakness, but seeing all the cracks, mistakes, and things to do isn’t really helping me at all. In a way, ignoring is a beautiful form of allowing. Incorporating this idea into everyday life has been very freeing! 

Wrapping Up with Ease + Flow

The last clip I share is when Nicole and I chatting after the inner voice part of the session. When you listen, you’ll be able to tell the difference in my voice and vibe immediately. Nicole’s parting words on trusting the simplicity of the inner voice’s wisdom really resonates.

We Also Talked About: 

  • Past lives as a shadow or memory

  • Practical advice on sleep and nighttime routines

A Special Offer from Metaphysical Me

As a special gift to Celebrate Cultivate listeners, Nicole is offering a coupon for 20% off with the code 20%OFF. Visit metaphysicalme.com to sign up for a session with Nicole! (And then tell me all about it. I want to hear how it goes.)

Thank You for Reviewing the Podcast

It means so much when you leave a review on Apple Podcasts. Thanks to Evolving Jen for these words,

Kaileen inspires the listener to explore what is possible when you slow down, focus on the good and be open for the magic to appear. I participated in Magical May, and the podcast provided an opportunity to delve deeper and revisit the themes. As a mom, I can relate to how she creates time for family, self-care and magic; and how those three can intersect and coexist. I’m looking forward to the next episode!

Alignment Coaching and Virtual Retreat

Magical May Retreat Guidebooks and Connection Calls are still available for purchase on the website. Continued Connection coaching calls are available for existing clients. Reach out if you want to learn more and discover if coaching with me is a good fit. I’d love to explore working with you!

Let’s Connect! Are You Subscribed to the Newsletter?

Sign up for the newsletter. Send me an email and follow on on Instagram… I’m sure I’ll be back in August: @kaileenelise.

Share the Magic

If you’re loving the podcast, share it with anyone who could use a little extra magic or inspiration to tap into their inner voice!

“If we lean into it and know that ease is possible for us, that’s where flow can really start to happen.” (Nicole Perkins) // Listen to the Celebrate Cultivate podcast by Kaileen Elise Sues: kaileenelise.com/podcast


Theme song is Wildflowers by Gyom

Image by Angela Doran


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