Intuitive Wisdom and Weekly Intentions

Setting Weekly Intentions with Intuition |

Setting intentions is a practice of gathering a word (or words) to serve as an anchor back to yourself and what you want. There’s no right or wrong way to do it. Intentions are a conversation you get to have with yourself.⁣

I used to share my intentions every week on Instagram. I loved doing it, but like all things, it drifted away for one reason or another. Recently, #kaileeneliseintentions have come back with a new, intuitive twist.

On Instagram Stories, I have been asking our community to share their intentions for the week. I share the intentions anonymously and then include intuitive guidance with each⁣.

Here’s what came through the past two weeks —

• Ask for what I need
Identifying what you need is half of the equation. The other half is asking for it. Ask yourself first. Are you honoring your needs? Supporting yourself? Begin there. And then ask others for what you need. And remember to allow it in when you receive.

Be a conduit for magic in the face of fear
A conduit is a channel, moving energy from one place to another. Serving magic in this way will also serve you. It will give you the courage to shine light on your fears. You are a conduit for magic! You illuminate all that you face with love.

To get out of my comfort zone
Stretch. Bend. Reach in ways that feel good. Honor your past and your path forward. Bring tenderness and patience to getting out of your comfort zone. Know you will never arrive permanently. This new place you’re going will become your comfort zone someday. So pack a bag of your favorite things, make this new place cozy. Grow, expand, and then keep going. Onward.

Being open to receive clues and hints from inspiration.
You are receiving clues constantly. They are everywhere all the time. You can never miss them because more will pop up around the corner. Feel the abundance of love and inspiration around you. Your best ideas and creative insights are giddy with excitement, eager to land on your path, ready to leap into your heart. Being open and trusting what comes are the best ways to make them feel welcome.

To feel and savor the coolness and crispness of my inhales.
Be ready and willing to slow down. Savoring requires you to drop into this moment. Right here. Watch it, feel it, acknowledge it as it passes through. Every moment, every breath, flows into the next. And so, savoring is a temporary state. Enjoy it when it’s here and let it float away when it’s gone.

To be okay right where I am.
Piece it apart. Break it down. You are okay. You’re not okay. You’re in the gray depths between. Within all of it, you simply are. And also? You are where you are. There’s nowhere else you could ever be. Lean into allowing. Release your grip on expectations. Let yourself feel and see and experience all there is. Then breathe, breathe, breathe. It’s okay to be right where you are.

To relax and melt into the present moment.
Relax and release. Follow the cadence of your inhales and exhales as you melt into the moment. Your life forms around you. Your emotions and thoughts guide the flow of what comes your way. As you soften, a gentle energy will embrace you. Sink into this. Go deeper. Explore the ease beneath.

Hanging connected: letting go, but remaining grounded by love.
Your essence is love. Your truth is love. You are love. When you let go, release, and allow, all that remains is love. The rest is texture and drama, contrast and rough edges. Underneath it all is love.

Prioritize and let the rest of the fluff go.
The fluff will float away once you know it’s fluff. Prioritize what matters. Know the rest is just stuff. Things you picked up along the way that aren’t yours anymore. Pack it up, put it down. Give yourself permission to leave it undone. Gaze into the distance. See yourself standing free. Aligned, unburdened, grounded. Delighted to simply be.

  • To allow rest and healing.
    Unfold and unfurl. Breathe deep and steady through the unknown. Open your hands and release whatever you’ve been holding onto. Allowing comes in waves. There will always be more to allow, so take it as an ongoing practice instead of a singular action. With healing, be as patient as possible. There could be pain and discomfort in healing. This is normal. You can breathe through it. You’ve done it before. You can do it again.

  • Embodying my future self in the now.
    Gold and glittering. Breezy and bold. Your future self is here. Right beside you. Within you. Embodying this energy requires less than you’ve ever thought. Stay away from thinking as you do it. Simply step a little to the left or to the right. Shift and shimmy just a bit and feel it lock into place. You are right here, all of you. The present and the past and the path which unfolds. Together, united and integrated. Embody all that you desire and dream. Feel the power, beauty, strength, and softness in being.

  • Daily joy + prep for summer break.
    A magical and wonderful time awaits you. Daily joy is a big burlap bag filled with wonder and surprise. Dig your hands into the depths. Pull out something new whenever you need. There will be old favorites and new delights. Honor and savor each to the extent that’s available. Be with the moment you are in. Trust the summer break has already been prepared for you. A red carpet that’s rolled out. Bring your ideas and plans, scatter them like seeds along the path. Tend to what blooms and tend to all that’s still growing underneath.

  • To trust - trust I know what I need. Trust magic is all around. Trust this will be awesome.
    She stands firm and tall. A huge tree among a forest of feelings and doings and beings. Trust has deep roots and branches that extend into the beyond. She feels expansive, strong, and comforting. When you want to tap into this energy of trust, feel her presence. Wrap yourself in what trust means to you. A moment of knowing. A calm pathway that carries you through. A sense that all is okay, even when fear and worry and doubt come along for the ride. Trust is what you need. Trust is magic. Trust is awesome. And so are you.

  • Try to slow down, have clarity, and do one thing at a time.
    Pause and notice where you are. Acknowledge what is true. You walk one step at a time. You breathe one breath at a time. You are already doing exactly what you want to do. One thing at a time is the only way we can move through this earth. And so, bring your awareness to the beauty of what is — you are already what you desire. Place your hands on your heart. Breathe in this truth. “I am where I am. I know what to do.”

  • Listen to myself.
    Dive in deeper. Into the dark and the deep. Past the murky and unknown. Down, down, down, to where things are still, clear, and quiet. Listening is an active process and yet, it requires us to drop our defenses. Let go of what we wanted to say next. Release the need to provide solutions. Listening is loving. Listening is open. Listening is surrender. You have so much to say to yourself. What a gift it is to listen.

Join Me for More Intention Next Week

On Monday, I’ll post a new intention on Instagram and ask for yours on stories. Send in your intention and I’ll share anonymously with intuitive guidance. This feels good, aligned, and so much fun. Let’s see where it goes.


Photography by Angela Doran

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Say hello on Instagram, I’m @kaileenelise

Kaileen Elise Sues

Kaileen Elise Sues is an intuition coach helping high-achieving, woo-leaning women find inner peace through every season.

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