How to Create Retreat Vibes at Home

This month, I’m hosting a virtual retreat called Align 20/21. The purpose is to invite magic, feel calm, bring ease, share joy, and make space to breathe.

The retreat comes with a beautiful guidebook filled with journal prompts, rituals, and ideas for connecting to intuition. Before diving into the heart of the retreat, I invite participants to cultivate some retreat vibes.

What Does Being on Retreat Mean to You?

Consider for a moment, what does it mean to be on retreat? What are the feelings and sensations that bring you peace, calm, and ease?

Gather these elements in your mind's eye. Wrap them up in a beautiful, invisible satchel. Tuck them in your pocket. Bring your retreat vibes wherever you go.

Moments of Retreat in Everyday Life

When pouring your morning coffee or tea. As you hydrate throughout the day. When you light a candle or make your bed. In answering emails, waiting at a red light, cooking dinner, and shutting things down at night.

Even in the chaos and commotion of everyday life, trust in the tiny morsels of peace, calm, and ease that you're carrying with you.

Things, Feelings, and Vibes that Help Me Retreat

Waking up early, without an alarm clock. I love how my Casper Glow Light helps me rise with ease.

Morning wellness rituals like tongue scraping, tooth brushing, and oil pulling. All while connecting to gratitude and appreciation.

Reading by the Christmas tree, with a hot cup of coffee in hand. I cannot get over the feelings I have towards my Ember Mug. Is it ridiculous to have a self-heating mug? Maybe. But I’m okay with it.

Pulling a card from one of my new favorite decks.

Setting a timer for 8 minutes and writing in my journal. I really like the quality of my Blank Journal from Promptly.

Connect to myself and my intuition through the Align 20/21 Retreat Guidebook. Join now for $44.

Lighting a candle, diffusing essential oils, or putting on hand lotion. All things that help me feel cozy, cared for, and connected.

Moments of space and comfort. Drinking from my favorite water bottle and soaking in a warm bath.

Noticing shadows, appreciating the sparkle of my crystals, and tending to my houseplants.

How Do You Create Retreat Vibes at Home?

I’d love to know. Leave a comment below or send me an email.

Kaileen Elise Sues

Kaileen Elise Sues is an intuition coach helping high-achieving, woo-leaning women find inner peace through every season.

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