Releasing Should

Show Notes

We all have a list of things we feel like we should be doing. Sometimes the things you think you should do can start to feel heavy on your shoulders. Listen in as I offer some ideas and encouragement on how you can release should and the beauty that can be found in trusting where you are.

Let’s Take a Moment to Breathe

I always like to start any coaching session with a moment to connect and take a deep breath. I’d like to invite you to take a small moment right now to take a deep breath in and let out a sigh. Breathe in, and out. Slowing down to take a few deep breaths or even focusing on intentionally breathing for one minute can really help you connect to yourself and this moment.

Releasing Should

We all have a list of things we feel like we should do. Or roles we should fulfill. Or even thoughts we believe we should think. Those thoughts about what you should do can pile up quickly and sit heavy on your shoulders.

Today, let’s release should.

You are capable and competent. You manage everything in your life so well. You may feel like you can or should take on more just because you can. Give yourself the permission to release should and enjoy where you are right now.

Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should.

Deep Breaths and Meditation

If you are looking for a few ways to incorporate some deep breaths and meditation into your days without the pressure of what a meditation practice should look like I invite you to try:

  • Setting a one-minute timer on your phone and breathing deeply.

  • Taking deep breaths while you are in the shower.

  • Be fully present where you are - set aside your phone and be in the moment.

  • Hold your warm cup of coffee in your hands for a quiet moment before you begin your day.

  • Listen to a guided meditation - a guided meditation can be just as supportive while you are on a walk or doing the dishes as it can while seated.

  • Tune into your intuition - gain some clarity and connection to your intuition to release should.

Connect with Your Intuition and Work with Kaileen

Join me for a free Inner Voice Journaling session with Jess Lively’s community The LivINg Room:

About the Host

Kaileen Elise

Kaileen is an Intuition Coach and host of the Celebrate Cultivate podcast. She helps entrepreneurs, mothers, and soul-seekers find more alignment and ease through coaching, courses, and online retreats. Before becoming a coach full-time, Kaileen worked for a series of startups in HR and recruiting. She lives in sunny Austin, TX with her husband and their three children.

Connect with her on Instagram @kaileenelise.

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Looking Back

May 20, 2021 • Episode 67 → Cultivating More of What You Want


Photography by Angela Doran
Theme song is Wildflowers by Gyom

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Kaileen Elise Sues

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